
22 Productivity Tricks and Tools You Love

Rebecca Joines Schinsky

Chief of Staff

Rebecca Joines Schinsky is the Chief of Staff for Riot New Media Group and a co-host of the Book Riot Podcast. She can be reached at

manage your day-to-dayLast week, in a giveaway sponsored by Manage Your Day-to-Day, we asked you to share your favorite tips and tools for getting things done. Tons of what we can only assume are super-organized, task-master Riot readers chimed in, and five lucky participants won copies of the book.

Here are 22 of the best productivity tricks and tools you love.


Use the Pomodoro Technique

Schedule tasks in 30-minute blocks on your calendar

Break large projects into smaller steps to prioritize, organize, and have the satisfaction of finishing things along the way.

Change locations to keep your brain awake and engaged

Do the worst item on your list first. Everything else is easier from there.

Write everything down, following the Getting Things Done method

Create and stick to a basic daily schedule to give yourself structure

Only check email at set times throughout the day

Turn off desktop email alerts so you’re not interrupted while completing other tasks

Delete or archive emails you don’t need immediately to keep your inbox clean

Turn off the wi-fi on your computer when you’re working on a task that doesn’t require connectivity

Take a deep breath and just do it!



A timer–on your phone, microwave, whatever–to keep track of how long tasks take to complete and plan accordingly in the future

A good old-fashioned list on paper–nothing more satisfying than crossing off completed items

Wunderlist–to keep to-do lists separate from email and other work programs

Getting Things Done by David Allen

Self-Restraint and Mac Freedom–programs to shut off social media

Evernote app for collecting lists, notes, reminder photos

Omnifocus task manager for Mac and iOS

Todoist–desktop and mobile task management, Mac, iOS, Windows, and Android

Use LastPass to keep all passwords in one place

Google Keep to save and access important info in one place

Did your favorite make the list? What else should we add?


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