Your Top 10 Comic Book Movies of All Time

Paul Montgomery

Staff Writer

In addition to comics, Paul thrills to Frank Capra and kaiju movies, crime fiction, TV dramas, professional wrestling, and whatever the Muppets are doing at any given time (hopefully in combination with those other things). He tweets as @fuzzytypewriter

Earlier this month we asked you to name your three favorite comic book movies from throughout the storied history of comic books, movies, and surveys. A number of you did that through the little polling widget we set up, and a few of you submitted your answers by traditional mail. We’re not entirely sure where the latter got to, as we never supplied a mailing address. We don’t actually have one. We’ve compiled the results of the former though, and that’s what this followup article is about.


1. Marvel’s The Avengers – 77 votes

2. The Dark Knight – 69
3. The Guardians of the Galaxy – 63
4. Captain America: The Winter Soldier – 57
5. Batman (1989) – 19
6. Iron Man – 18
7. Tie: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World; Hellboy – 16
8. Tie: Superman the Movie; The Rocketeer; Persepolis – 10
9. Tie: V for Vendetta; Captain America: The First Avenger – 9
10. Tie: X2: X-Men United; Watchmen; Thor; Ghost World – 8

Analysis? Well, the top two should come as no surprise. These are the heavy hitters. Both of Marvel’s 2014 entries, Guardians and Winter Soldier round out the top four, and it will be interesting to see whether those will retain their place at the top of the mountain in the coming years. They’re certainly up there for me. The list gets truly fascinating as we get into those ties in the second half. This is where we start to see the second and third choices bottle-necking it for the remaining spots. I imagine in a lot of cases, these are the subjective picks, the wild cards. I should also note that somebody used all three of their voting slots for Persepolis. And then did it again. Other voters simply voted for their favorite and left the other two fields blank. In those cases, we simply counted these as single votes.

So, what do you think? A tonally diverse swath? Any favorites you’re disappointed not to have made the cut? Let us know in the comments!