20 Things I Learned from Kamala Khan
The first run of Ms Marvel by G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona, Ian Herring, Joe Caramagna, and Kris Anka (not to mention the amazing guest artists) is over, and by all accounts, it’s been an amazing success. We’ve been treated to 19 glorious issues of Kamala stepping into her superhero role, finding herself, pairing up with amazing role models such as Wolverine and Captain Marvel, and coming to terms with the fact that she can’t save everyone, all while maintaining her trademark sense of humor and genuine love for the world around her. I have laughed with and cried with Kamala, and in a tribute to this first incredible run with her, I wanted to round up 20 things I learned from Kamala Khan. See you in November for an all-new #1, Ms Marvel!
(This list may contain spoilers for Ms Marvel #1-19)
1. It’s okay to not know who you are or what you’re supposed to be. It’s up to you to figure it out and live your best life. (Ms. Marvel #1: artist Adrian Alphona)
2. “Good is not a thing you are. It’s a thing you do.” (Ms Marvel #5: artist Adrian Alphona)
3. Sometimes, superheroes just want their moms. (Ms Marvel #5: artist Adrian Alphona)
4. Only you know who you are. Only you can define yourself. Own it. (Ms Marvel #5: artist Adrian Alphona)
5. Enthusiasm is awesome. (Ms Marvel #6: artist Jake Wyatt)
6. You can believe the world is a good place. Even when voices of experience tell you otherwise. (Ms Marvel #7: artist Jake Wyatt)
7. True friends are rare, and you can find them in unexpected places. (Ms Marvel #8: artist Adrian Alphona)
8. Doing the hard thing that is the right thing is what makes you a hero. (Ms Marvel #10: artist Adrian Alphona)
9. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. (Ms Marvel #11: artist Adrian Alphona)
10. You’ve gotta let people make their own mistakes, even if you think you know better, LOKI. (Ms Marvel #12, artist Takeshi Miyazawa)
11. When you fall, GET UP. (Ms Marvel #14: artist Takeshi Miyazawa)
12. It’s not your fault if people violate your trust. But don’t let self-doubt give others power over your identity. (Ms Marvel 15: artist Takeshi Miyazawa)
13. Family comes first. (Ms Marvel #16: artist Adrian Alphona)
14. When it comes down to it, what will I do? How will I be remembered? Live your best life. (Ms Marvel #17: artist Adrian Alphona)
15. It’s good to be weird. Own it. (Ms Marvel #17: artist Adrian Alphona)
16. Sometimes things hurt. It’s okay to take the time to acknowledge that.
17. Annoyed face is best face. (Ms Marvel #18: artist Adrian Alphona)
18. Sometimes even superheroes can’t fix things. (Ms Marvel #18: artist Adrian Alphona)
19. Our parents might annoy us, but they do the best they can. As we do for our children (who will inevitably be annoyed by us). (Ms Marvel #19: artist Adrian Alphona)
20. Kamala, you are my squishy muffin. ((Ms Marvel #19: artist Adrian Alphona)