
20 Awesome (Fake) Literary Band Names

Rebecca Joines Schinsky

Chief of Staff

Rebecca Joines Schinsky is the Chief of Staff for Riot New Media Group and a co-host of the Book Riot Podcast. She can be reached at

When I dropped the phrase “Proust and the Madeleines” into a post I was working on earlier this week, my first thought was, “That would a great name for a band.” So I told Twitter (as one does) and tagged it #literarybands and hoped people would jump in. And a few did! Here are the fake literary bands I wish existed, along with some of the best suggestions from my tweeps.


Proust and the Madeleines

Owen Meany and the Screaming Armadillos

The Ladyparts (a trio of Natalie Angier, Florence Williams, Naomi Wolf)

Hector and the Trojans (from fellow Rioter Jeff)

Tom Joad and the Oakies (also Jeff)

Jenny and the Goons

Ava Bigtree and the Seths (@amy_brill)

The Horny Irvings

Jack Aubrey and the Captain’s Quartet (from my husband)

Graham Greene Day (@jchristie)

Spaceman Spiff (my husband again, rabid Calvin & Hobbes fan, that guy)

Holden and the Phonies (@jaelmchenry)

Women of Consequence (inspired by ANGELMAKER)

42 Dolphins (the husband again)

Skippy and the Mermaids

The Mockingjays

Daisy and the Flappers(@tfheller)

Gregor Samsa and the Singing Beatles (@tongueandgroovy)

The Golden Snitches

Hit me, readers. What literary name would you give a band?