15 Things That Happen When You’re a Speedreader
You think it’s perfectly normal to read a book in one sitting.
You start saying you’re “almost done” with a book as soon as you’re more than halfway through.
A stranger has seen you turning pages and asked: “Are you really reading that?”
You know the feeling of trying (and failing) to slow your eyes down when you’re reading a book that you’re trying to savor.
You won’t get on a plane unless you have at least one book for each two-hour interval of time.
You simply cannot understand why some people need weeks and weeks to read just one book.
You know a book is REALLY good when you find yourself rationing it so that you can spend longer with the characters.
You actually benefit from the “read and return” option at airport bookstores.
…which is good, because very few people could afford to pay full price for as many books as you go through in a year.
You buy a series like this: the first book, to make sure it’s good, and then ALL of the other books. Because you’re going to need them right away.
You’ve read entire books without getting up to go to the bathroom.
You’ve looked up from your book in a public place to find someone staring at your flipping pages in astonishment.
You have a go-to location for free wi-fi in any area you frequent in case you run out of material on your ereader and need to download more.
You love to give books as gifts because you can read them before wrapping them and still have time to write a thoughtful card.
You pretend like your reading speed ain’t no thing, but you actually love when people notice because you’re proud that you can speedread like a boss. As you should be, because it’s awesome.
I’m sure you got through that quickly enough to have time to think of a few more for me, my fellow speedreaders. What did I miss?
If you’re looking to prove your skills, here’s a speedreading test. How high can you score? I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.
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