10 Pieces of MOBY-DICK Swag
This is apparently the Summer In Which I Internet-Window Shop For Bookish Stuff Because It’s Too Hot To Do Things Outside, So. I’ve been lazing on my couch thinking about going swimming and not doing it, which has made me think about the ocean, which (of course) got me to Moby-Dick. Let’s cool down with a few pieces of nautical-white-whale swag:
Sea Mist and Sandalwood Soap. At least you’ll SMELL nice and cool and breezy?
Moby Dick necklace- the whale isn’t white, but it’s still super-fancy.
Moby Dick e-book cover. Made with recycled materials!
9×12 Moby Dick print. Love how the size of the ship communicates some of the book’s themes about the inevitability of something or the other. It’s too hot to think.
Call Me Ishmael tote. For carrying other books.
Quote print! For your favorite failed fisherman?
Cover t-shirt (I have the lady version of this tee and I luurrvee it.)
Moby Dick iPhone case. You could make so many call me Ishmael jokes!
Moby Dick harpoon necklace. CLEVER!
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