
5 Little Known Goodreads Features That Rate 5 Stars

Upgrade your Goodreads experience with these 5-star, little-known Goodreads features.

Top Books 2021: The Most Highly Ranked and Widely Read Books on Goodreads This Year

According to Goodreads users, these are the top books of 2021 with an average rating of 4.25/5 or higher and ranked by 10,000 people or more.

A Tour Through Readers’ Goodreads To Read Shelves

How do readers use Goodreads' To Read shelf? One reader surveyed 30 Book Riot contributors about their Goodreads habits to find out.

Top Reviewers or Bot Reviewers: the Goodreads Bot Problem

Goodreads has a bot problem, allowing fake reviews and accounts to float to the top of book rankings.

Better Rating Systems Than the Goodreads Rating System

Much angst has been shed over the Goodreads rating system. It’s too simple, too complex, too specific. Today, we offer some alternatives.

Still No Half Stars: The Pros and Cons of the New Goodreads Book View

Goodreads recently introduced a new look for all of its book landing pages. A reader dives into the pros and cons of the new layout.

What Alternatives Are There to Goodreads?

If you're a Goodreads user looking for an alternative to the platform, consider these Goodreads alternatives and reading tools.

Dear Hiring Manager: Please Interview My Goodreads Account, Not Me

Instead of asking canned, cliché interview questions, can you just look at my reading log?

I Have Conflicting Feelings About Reading What Everyone Else Is Reading

A reader examines the joy of stumbling upon reads, and expresses conflicting feelings about a year of buzzy books read by recommendation.

My Goodreads TBR Is My Biography

My Goodreads TBR is my personal biography. It’s tracked my interests and life events for as many years as I’ve had an account.