#catcher in the rye

The Case For Re-Reading a Book You Once Hated

Hated a book as a young reader? It might be time to try it again.

Curves Ahead: How “Spoiler Alerts” Get It Wrong

A reveal-happy reader defends the so-called "spoiler," which may be nothing of the sort.

Guess a Book By Its Cover 2: A Quiz

Mind the Gap: The Well-Readheads on a Few Books They Haven’t Read

5 Gift Books for New High School Graduates

My pragmatic list of 5 Books high school graduates should read before taking the next step in their lives, whatever that may be.

Louis CK Reading CATCHER IN THE RYE (Can someone please make this happen?)

Louis CK reading Catcher in the Rye

Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Books and Authors You Had to Read in High School

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